亚盈体育 副所长
1997/09-2003/05 浙江大学,机械制造及其自动化,博士
1993/09- 1997/07 山东工业大学,机械制造工艺与装备/工业控制,学士
2012/12-至今 浙江大学,机械工程学院,教授、博士生导师
2007/10-2009/10 英国Huddersfield大学,计算机与工程学院,博士后/访问学者
2005/06-2012/11 浙江大学,机械工程学院,副教授
2003/05-2005/05 浙江大学,生工食品学院,博士后
1、国际标准化组织(ISO/TC60)齿轮计算工作组( WG 6 )成员(中国代表)
[1] 工信部智能制造专项基础共性和关键技术标准“远程运维关键技术标准亚盈体育研究与试验验证”(2017.06-2019.12)(主持)
[2] 浙江省经信委咨询项目“中国制造2025框架下的浙江制造业战略亚盈体育研究” (2015.06~2015.10)(主持)
[3] 浙江省经信委咨询项目“中国制造2025框架下的浙江制造路线图亚盈体育研究” (2015.09~2015.12)(主持)
[4] 湖州市经信委咨询项目“湖州市高端装备制造业“十三五”发展规划” (2015.09~2015.12)(参加)
[5] 工信部智能制造新模式专项“家用电器智能制造新模式”(杭州老板电器股份有限公司)(2014年01月-2018年12月)(技术负责人)
[6] 工信部智能制造新模式专项“汽车铝合金铸件智能车间新模式应用项目”(温州瑞明工业股份有限公司)(2014年01月-2018年12月)(技术负责人)
[8] 国家自然科学基金资助项目”基于数论的复杂装配体公差分析理论与方法” (51575484, 2016.01~2019.12)(主持)
[9] 国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金资助项目“复杂混合制造系统能效优化理论与方法亚盈体育研究”(U1501248 ,2016.01-2019.12)(参加,第三参与人,浙大负责人)
[10] 国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于功能-结构并行分解的公差设计理论与方法” (51275464, 2013.01~2016.12)(主持)
[11] 钱江人才计划项目“强噪声中微弱冲击信号的提取与识别技术”(2011R10016,2011.08-2013.07)(主持)
[12] 深圳市科技计划项目“基于云视频安检集群的实时群体行为监测系统亚盈体育研究与实现” (项目负责人)
[13]国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于新一代GPS标准体系的柔性零件装配公差建模与分析”(50975257, 2010.01~2012.12)(主持)
[14] 国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于GPS的三维公差建模方法与技术亚盈体育研究”(50505046, 2006.1~2008.12)(主持)
[15]国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂机电产品质量特性多尺度耦合理论与预防性控制技术”(50835008, 2009.1~2012.12)(参加)
[16] 国家973计划“复杂空气分离类成套装备超大型化与低能耗化的关键科学问题”课题“关键部机高强度大构件保质制造技术”(2011CB706560,2011.1~2014.12)(参加)
[19] 国家高科技计划(863)计划” 核电厂松动件监测的关键技术亚盈体育研究”(2007AA04Z426,2007.10-2010.6),(参加)
[20] 企业项目“明朔光电石墨烯路灯改造模组智能工厂 ”(项目负责人)
[21] 企业项目“航天产品数字化测量方法与应用基础亚盈体育研究” (项目负责人)
[22] 企业项目“激光定位测量系统研制 ” (项目负责人)
[23] 企业项目“大型薄壁件冲压质量视觉检测与工艺优化系统” (项目负责人)
[24]企业项目“微径钢管热处理及防腐集成装备研发” (项目负责人)
[1] Guan Dayan,Cao Yanpeng,Yang Jiangxin,Cao Yanlong,Tisse Christel-Loic. Exploiting fusion architectures for multispectral pedestrian detection and segmentation [J].APPLIED OPTICS.2018,57:108-116.
[2] He ZW,Cao YP,Dong YF , Yang JX,Cao YL,Tisse CL.Single-image-based nonuniformity correction of uncooled long-wave infrared detectors: a deep-learning approach [J].APPLIED OPTICS.2018,57:155-164.
[3] Cao YL ,Zhao QJ, Liu T ,Ren LF , Yang JX .The Strategy of Datum Reference Frame Selection Based on Statistical Learning[J] . JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING.2018.
[4] Hu L, Tang R, Liu Y, Cao Y, Tiwari A. Optimising the machining time, deviation and energy consumption through a multi-objective feature sequencing approach. Energy Conversion & Management. 2018;160:126-40.
[5] Cao Y, Liu M, Yang J, Cao Y, Fu W. A method for extracting weak impact signal in NPP based on adaptive Morlet wavelet transform and kurtosis. Prog Nucl Energ. 2018;105:211-20.
[6] Weixin Hu, Cao Y, Yang J, Shang HC, Wang WB. An error prediction model of NC machining process considering multiple error sources. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018;94:1689-98.
[7] Cao Y, Xu B, Ye Z, Yang J, Cao Y, Tisse CL, et al. Depth and thermal sensor fusion to enhance 3D thermographic reconstruction. Optics Express. 2018;26:8179.
[8] Cao Y, He Z, Yang J, Ye X, Cao Y. A multi-scale non-uniformity correction method based on wavelet decomposition and guided filtering for uncooled long wave infrared camera. Signal Processing Image Communication. 2017.
[9] Liu M, Yang J, Cao Y, et al. A new method for arrival time determination of impact signal based on HHT and AIC[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017, 86: 177-187.
[10] Cao Yanlong, Yan Huiwen, Liu Ting. Application of Quasi-Monte Carlo Method Based on Good Point Set in Tolerance Analysis[J]. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING. 2016, V16(2).
[11] Wu X, Li R, Cao Y, et al. The value network optimization research based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process method and the dynamic programming of cloud manufacturing[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 84: 425-433.
[12] Fan H, Liu Y, Cao Y, et al. Efficient recognition of undesired coupling effects in system design of multidisciplinary products[J]. Journal of Engineering Design. 2016, 27(10): 665-696.
[13] Yuan L, Liu Y, Sun Z, et al. A hybrid approach for the automation of functional decomposition in conceptual design[J]. Journal of Engineering Design. 2016
[14] Fan H, Xi G, Wang W, et al. An efficient five-axis machining method of centrifugal impeller based on regional milling[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016, 87: 1-11.
[15] Cao Yanlong, Liu Ting, Ye Xuefeng. Lathe errors identification based on surface topography analysis after turning[J]. PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2016, V46,243-253.
[16] Wu Zijian, Liu Ting, Gao Zhenbo, Cao Yanlong. Tolerance design with multiple resource suppliers on cloud-manufacturing platform[J].INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTU-RING TECHNOLOGY. 2016, V84(1-4): 335-346.
[17] Cao Yanlong, Wu Zijian, Liu Ting. Multivariate process capability evaluation of cloud manufacturingresource based on intuitionistic fuzzy set[J].INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. 2016, V84(1-4): 227-237.
[18] Yang Jiangxin, Yang Biyu, Liu Mingzhou,Cao Yanlong.Detection method of loose parts in nuclear react-or based on eigenvector algorithm[J]. PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY. 2016, V91: 250-255.
[19] Cao Yanlong, Li Bo, Guan Jiayan, Yang Jiangxin. A point-based variation propagation model for multi-pass machining process. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture . 2015,V 229,1164-1179.
[20] Cao Yanlong, Li Bo, Ye Xuefeng, Guan Jiayan, Yang Jiangxin. Geometrical Simulation of Multi-Scale Toleranced Surface with Consideration of the Tolerancing Principle. ASME J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 2015, V15(2):21006-21016.
[21] Cao Yanlong, Zhao Kui, Yang Jiangxin.Research on the method of constructing the inte-grated strategic performance indicator system for manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, V53(13):1-15
[22] Cao Yanlong, Wu Zijian, Zhao Qijian. Study on Resource Configuration on Cloud Manufacturing[J]. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING. 2015,1-13.
[23] Gao Zhenbo, Wang Zhexing, Wu Zijian,Cao Yanlong. Study on Generation of 3D Assembly Dimension Chain: Procedia CIRP[Z]. CIRP, 2015,163-168.
[24] Wu Zijian, Gao Zhenbo, Cao Yanlong. Tolerance Design and Adjustment of Complex Customized Product Based on Cloud Manufacturing: Procedia CIRP[Z]. CIRP, 2015,169-175.
[25] Hu Weixin, Guan Jiayan, Li Bo,Cao Yanlong,Yang Jiangxin. Influence of Tool Assembly Error on Machined Surface in Peripheral Milling Process: Procedia CIRP[Z]. CIRP, 2015,137-142.
[26] Tang Shuying, Guan Dayan, Wu Xiangji,Cao Yanlong. Analysis on virtual assembly tolerance for pitch-adjustable lateral propulsion device: Procedia CIRP[Z]. CIRP, 2015,131-136.
[27] Cao Yanlong, Srinivasan V. Special Issue: Geometric Tolerancing[J]. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING. 2015, 15,20301
[28] Ye Xuefeng, Guan Jiayan, Wang Jing,Wang Lele,Cao Yanlong. Model for surface topography prediction in cylinder tu-rning: Procedia CIRP[Z]. CIRP, 2015,286-291.
[29] Li B, Cao Y, Ye X, et al. Multi-scale prediction of the geometrical deviations of the surface finished by five-axis ball-end milling[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2015, 387(2): 255-265.
[30] Cao Yanlong, Mathieu Luc, Jiang Jane. Key research on computer aided tolerancing[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University. 2015, 16(5): 335-340.
[31] Yang Jiangxin, Guan Jiayan, Ye Xuefeng,Cao Yanlong. Effects of geometric and spindle errors on the quality of end turning surface[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2015, 16(5): 371-386.
[32] Chen W, Cao Y, Xie J. Piezoelectric and electromagnetic hybrid energy harvester for powering wireless sensor nodes in smart grid[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2015, 29(10): 4313-4318
[33] YanlongCao, HengZhang, BoLi, ZijianWu, JiangxinYang. Study on functional specification scheme on interface based on positioning features. Proc IMechE PartB: Engineering Manufacture, 2013,V227(5),745-753.
[34] Xiaolong Chen; Yanlong Cao; Zaiyu Lin; Jiangxin Yang; Xiaoqi Hu. Study on Extraction of Electrical Runout in Eddy Current Measurement Using Finite Element Method, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, Vol. 228(6) 1077–1086
[35] Cao Yanlong, Guan Jaiyan, Li Bo. Modeling and simulation of grinding surface topography considering wheel vibration[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. 2013, 66(5-8): 937-945.
[36] Yanlong Cao, Bo Li, Jiayan Guan, Jiangxin Yang,A study on mutative scale straightness measurement based on uncertainty analysis,Measurement, 46(1), 145-153
[37] Cao, Yanlong, He, Yuanfeng, Yang, Jiangxin, Gan, Chunbiao,A method for weak impact signal discrimination based on para-approximate entropy,Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2012/9,60, pp 53-60
[38] Mao Jian, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin. A Tolerance Analysis Method for Assembly Yield: Advanced 亚盈体育 Research[Z]. 2012753-757.
[39] Wang Yifeng, Zhang Heng, Cao Yanlong. Concurrent Tolerance Design System based on Manufacturing Context: Advanced 亚盈体育 Research[Z]. 2012,634-639.
[40] Y Cao,J Mao,H Ching and J Yang. A Robust Tolerance Optimization Method Based on Fuzzy Quality Loss. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2009 vol. 223( 11): 2647-2653
[41] Cao Y, Zhang. H,Mao.J, Yang J. Novel cost–tolerance model based on fuzzy neural networks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B:J. Engineering Manufacture. 2010, vol. 224(11):1757-1765
[42] Cao Yanlong,Jin Lu,Wang Kaiwei,Yang Jiangxin. Real-Time Surface Topography Measurement with Graphic Processing Unit. Adv. Sci. Lett. 2011,Vol.4(4-5): 1434-1438
[43] YanlongCao,Heng Zhang, JianMao, Xusong Xu,Yang Jiangxin,Study on tolerance modeling of complex surface,Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2011,V53:1183-1188
[44] Cao Yanlong, Zhao Kui, Yang Jiangxin. Novel economic house of quality model based on quality economic analysis. Adv. Sci. Lett.
[45] Cao Y, Zhang H, Mao J, et al. Novel cost-tolerance model based on fuzzy neural network[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2010, 224: 1757-1765.
[46] Cao Yanlong, He Yuan Feng, Yang Jiangxin. An Alarm Method for a Loose Parts Monitoring System. Shock and Vibration , 2012, 19(4): 753-761.
[47] He Yuan Feng, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin. Mass Estimation of Loose Part in Nuclear Power Plant Based on Multiple Regression. Measurement Science and Technology, 2012, 23(5).
[48] Mao Jian , Wu Shancheng, Cao Yanlong C. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Manufacturability in Concurrent Tolerance Design: International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design[Z]. IEEE, 2009852-857.
[49] Mao Jian, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin,Implementation uncertainty evaluation of cylindricity errors based on geometrical product specification (GPS),Measurement,2009,Vol.42(5): 742-747
[50] Mao Jian, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin, Manufacturing environment-oriented robust tolerance optimization method, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2009,V41:57-65(SCI Accepted)
[51] Jian Mao, Yanlong Cao, and Jiangxin Yang. A Transmission Error Analysis Method Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Adv. Sci. Lett. 2011,Vol4(6-7):2474-2477(SCI Accepted)
[52] Yusheng Liu, Shuming Gao, Yaolong Cao. An Efficient Approach to Interpreting Rigorous Tolerance Semantics forComplicated Tolerance Specification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2009,VOL. 6( 4):670-684
[53] Wang Yifeng, Cao Yanlong, Chen Xiaolong, Lin Zaiyu, Yang Jiangxin, Development of Electrical Runout Online Measurement System Based on Eddy Current Technique and Laser Triangulation, Sensors Transducers, 154(7),2013,pp 158-164
[54] Jian Mao,Yanlong Cao,HoChing,Ruxu Du. Fuzzy Tolerancing Based on Available Manufacturing Resources. Computer-Aided Design and Applications.2009,Vol. 6(2), 253-261
[55] Jian MAO,Yanlong CAO. Tolerance sensitivity robust design and evaluation method. Applied Mechanics and 亚盈体育. 2011, Vols. 55-57:924-928
[56] Mao Jian, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin. Mathematical model for linear symmetry based on tolerancing principle: International Conference on Computer-Aided Design Conceptual Design[Z]. 2006815-820.
[57] Mao Jian , Cao Yanlong , Yang Jiangxin . A novel method for uncertainty evaluation of roundness errors based on geometrical product specification, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS(SPIE)[Z]. 200635738.
[58] Mao Jian, Zheng Huawen, Cao Yanlong, et al. Planar straightness error evaluation based on particle swarm optimization: Proceedings of SPIE[Z]. 2006.
[59] Cao Yanlong, Mao Jian, Yang Jiangxin. A Robust Tolerance Design Method Based on Fuzzy Quality Loss[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2006, 1(1): 101-105.
[60] Cao Yanlong , Yang Jiangxin, Wu Zhaotong, et al. A robust tolerance design method based on pr-ocess capability[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A. 2004, 5(1): 81-85
[61] YANG Jiangxin, XU Xusong, CAO Yanlong, LIU Yancong. Functional Tolerance Specification Design Based on Assembly Positioning. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 46(2):1-8(in Chinese).
[62] YANG Jiangxin, ZHENG Huawen, CAOYanlong, CHENG Shi, FANG Lixian, XIE Yongcheng. Estimation Method for Impact Location of Loose Parts Based on Hilbert Transform. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2009,45(12):232-236(in Chinese).
[63] CAO Yanlong, CHENG Shi, YANG Jiangxin, ZHENG Huawen, HE Yuanfeng. Method for Mass Estimation of Loose Parts Based on Wavelet Packet. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010,46(22):1-5 (in Chinese).
[64] Mao Jian, Cao Nailiang, Cao Yanlong, Yang Jiangxin. Matching Method for Quality Knowledge in Product Designing Process. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2012,43(1):197-201 (in Chinese).
[65] FANG Li-xian, ZENG Fu, YANG Jian-gxin, YANG Jiang-xin, WANG Chi-hu, XIE Yong-cheng, SHEN Xiao-yao. Alarm Method for Loose Part of Nuclear Reactor Based on Fractal Theory. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2010,31(6):113-116 (in Chinese).
[66] YANG Jiang-xin, CHENG Shi, CAO Yan-long, ZHENG Hua-wen, HE Yuan-feng, XIE Yong-cheng. Location estimation method for loose part based on AR model and wavelet transform. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2011,45(8):1366-1369 (in Chinese).
[67] YANG Jiangxin, ZHENG Hua-wen, CAO Yan-long, FANG Lixian, XIE Yongcheng, SHEN Xiaoyao. Alarming Method of Loose Parts in Nuclear Power Plant Based on Adaptive Auto-regressive Model. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2010,44(6):701-705 (in Chinese).
[68] ZHENG Huawen, CAO Yanlong, YANG Jiangxin, HE Yuanfeng, FANG Lixian, XIE Yongcheng. Mass estimation of loose parts in nuclear power plant based on SVM. Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2010,44(8):1525-1529 (in Chinese).
[69] MAO Jian, ZHANG Heng, CAO Yan-long. Research and application on model of size tolerance for plane based on SDT. Journal of Engineering Design, 2010,17(5):321-324 (in Chinese).
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